Encountering Jesus is a spiritual experience when you the physical creature, meet the One who can rescue you.
The above image represents this spiritual truth. Jesus came so you may have Divine Life through Him.
He wants to set you free from whatever is keeping you from experiencing the goodness of God.
Jesus is reaching out to save you from the power of Sin and the grasp of Death, but you need to grab His hand.
Okay, grabbing His hand is a figurative way of stating you need to accept His offer of help.
The reality is you have a choice.
Do you ignore Him, or do you extend your hand and welcome His offer?
Encountering Jesus is when you realize your relationship with God is personal.
You come to understand your Creator knew you before you were born and never left His sight.
The One Who is the Source of all the stars in the universe, calls you out by name and reveals why you exist.
Before you discover how you can encounter Jesus,
take a moment and reflect on what was stated at the beginning of this website in the section titled, Created:
God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.
Genesis, chapter 1, verse 27
Why did God create you in his image? This is the answer. To be loved and to be able to love in return.
So, when you encounter Jesus, He affirms your identity of being personally loved by God.
In biblical terms, He is the Way back to the garden of Eden.
He is inviting you to follow Him to the place where God and His people dwell. Your Divine Home.
It is the fulfillment of the Promised Land the ancient Jews dreamed about when they left oppressive slavery behind in Egypt.
Encountering Jesus is when worldly things you thought were important, just fade away.
Chains are broken. His Truth vanquishes lies. Sins are forgiven.
You meet "the King" and experience the Kingdom of God. Heaven surrounds you and Love embraces you.
Whether you are overwhelmed with joy or quietly covered in peace, it is always personal.
It is like you are a prisoner of war, set free from an invisible tyrant, and now you can see the light.
You are a lost soul in the desert, drinking living water and never being thirsty again.
Or a starving beggar tasting the sweetest bread and desiring only this the rest of your life.
The voice of Jesus, it is not an audible one your ears will hear.
It comes deep within your heart where you encounter Him.
You meet the One Who's presence scatters darkness and illuminates the soul.
The sacred ground where covenant relationship occurs.
Prayer happens and you are talking with the Son of God.
His voice is Truth and encouragement, not lies and accusations.
His Way expresses humility, purity, and generosity,
not arrogance, immorality, or indifference.
His Life declares mercy and joy, not anger or despair.
Jesus speaks of our Father's Love as personal and intimate,
rather than indifferent and faraway.
He is the Promised One sent to announce a year acceptable to the Lord,
and proclaim the Kingdom of God is at hand.
He offers His friendship to all who listen and believe.
Jesus is the Good Shepherd, and His sheep recognize His voice.
Encountering Jesus Now
"In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
He was with God in the beginning.
Through him all things were made;
without him nothing was made that has been made.
In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.
The light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness has not overcome it."
Jesus is the Spoken Word of God who became flesh!
He is knocking on the door to your heart, but you need to open it.
Let Him in so you can hear His voice.
Jesus, through Whom all things were created,
wants to spend time with you today.
He wants to share His Truth, Way and Life with you.
Most importantly, Jesus is proposing His everlasting love to you.
All you need to do take the first step and say “yes."
And begin the adventure of following the One sent to rescue you.
Encounter Jesus
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